Public toilets are important if you are travelling. Their location, quality, and price are all important considerations. But they aren’t often the main reason to stop in the town, nor does the town often build a tourist industry around said toilets. Unless the town is Kawakawa. And the toilets were designed and even partly constructued…
Read MoreYup – that is too real planes arranged as a sculpture! Planehenge, as its known, is one of the larger sculptures in the Mutonia Sculpture Park, on the remote Oonadatta Track, in South Australia. You reach it a few hours north of the “town” of Marree (a pub, a petrol station and an camp ground).…
Read MoreHmm yeah – well to be honest, more than I ever told my mother! To be honest I’m bit of a beginner with Twitter – but I noticed this regular Travellers’ (English spelling get over it) Night In where people respond to questions during a set time frame. I’m not sure whether I got the time…
Read MoreI must admit it took me nearly two years to get to Rottnest Island, I’d been living all that time in Perth, but it was an expensive trip, particularly as we wanted to stay overnight, and unbelievably we were a bit “beached-out” initially. And we wanted to stay overnight, which is neither cheap nor particularly…
Read MoreIs New Zealand safe? A question asked by many. Well frankly, no its not, not if you intend to leave your brains at home. Most overseas visitors come to New Zealand for the “great outdoors”, the “wilderness experience” or to part take in our famous “adventure tourism”. A lot of them visit one more National…
Read MoreAll my life I’ve been told I was lucky. Lucky to travel, lucky to spend 6 months in South America, more than that in Asia. Lucky to travel twice a year now. I used to say I wasn’t lucky, I just prioritised travel. But that’s not quite true. I am lucky but not for the…
Read MoreI’ve been scanning some of my old photos, I have literally boxes of them, and at least having them as bits of paper means that I still have the technology to view them! Anyway here’s one that has always been close to my heart. It was taken in April 1990, that’s Everest in the background…
Read MoreWellington has quite a lot of sculpture around the streets. I’ll feature some of the more unusual ones over the coming weeks. This one is called “Invisible City“. It looks like it should say something in Braille – but it doesn’t – that’s art I guess! Actually its a useful place to meet people as…
Read MoreDriving outback Australia, with broken air-con, there is nothing more appealing than clean, cool, crocodile-free, water hole. Bell Gorge is one such on the Gibb River Road, in northern Western Australia. We had driven all day and got to the camping spot late. We put the tent up in record time, and hopped back in…
Read MoreIf you travel New Zealand, you will soon notice that we have some of the longest shopping hours of the civilized world. Most supermarkets are open 7 days, in larger centers usually from about 6am to 2am. Now it wasn’t always so, and you don’t have to be ancient to remember when everything shut down…
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