Western Australian Sunset – Exmouth

Having experienced both the west and the east coast of Australia – I actually think that Western Australia has it all over the classic east coast road trip. Why? Well its empty, really, really empty. And it has sunsets, quite a lot of them. Most nights actually, and sometimes they look like this!

And they don’t even advertise them as a tourist draw, except a bit with the camels on Cable Beach in Broom. Exmouth is about 1/2 way between Broome and Perth – about 1800km north of Perth – its pretty much the perfect definition of the “middle of nowhere” with year around swimming, whale sharks, fishing, swimming and – oh yeah amazing sunsets.

In fact the colours of Western Australia are just silly really – the rest of the world you need to fiddle in photoshop or shoot HDR to get the same effect!

I had to run back to our tent to grab the camera to get this one – I building is the camp kitchen in the rather luxurious camp ground.

Sunset, Exmouth, Western Australia