Cunard’s Queen Elizabeth Leaving Wellington Harbour

Wellington, New Zealand was founded for its fine port, and to this day is a busy one. Its not often that you see quite such a large cruise ship as the new Queen Elizabeth though! In fact the previous week we’d seen her sister ship the Queen Mary come through I took this shot from Breaker Bay on the south coast and just opposite the harbour mouth. I’ve never seen quite as many people on the road looking for a parking spot! Lucky for me I have a friend who owns a home with a roof terrace just in the right location.

Normally it takes around 20 minutes for a boat to leave the city wharf and get to this location. But the cruise liner took the scenic route doing a loop around the inner harbour before finally heading out to sea. At this point its not far from where an inter-island ferry, the Wahine, sunk in 1968 with a number of lives lost. Fortunately for the Queen Elizabeth’s passengers they had much better weather!

Queen Elizabeth cruiser liner Wellington, NZ


  1. Nomadic Samuel on April 6, 2012 at 9:21 pm

    Wow! I think it would be brilliant to be on board there 🙂

    • Elisabeth on April 10, 2012 at 11:28 am

      It would be OK for a short trip – but there are other cruise lines I’d do first – I think the average age is like 80! It was sure an impressive ship to see up close though!

  2. Mary Haight on April 15, 2012 at 6:40 pm

    Well that is quite a ship – it’s a floating city! Maybe the avg age is because it’s on many people’s bucket list, hee hee! I liked the look of the Sea Goddess when I saw it many years ago and that smaller more intimate setting has much more appeal for me. Thanks for the post and the photo!

    • Elisabeth on April 16, 2012 at 7:32 am

      Mary your post was marked by Askimet – hence the delay in approval. Yeah, they don’t exactly have budget cabins – it starts at expensive and goes up from there! I agree if I was going to cruise I’d go on a smaller ship