RTW Travel
Staying In Contact on the Road – 1950’s, 1980’s, Today
I am so glad I learned to travel before the cell phone or Internet. The one thing that can kill travel dead for me is the feeling of being too connected to home. Its a long time since I’ve had to manage my mother’s reaction to my travelling – but we certainly had robust discussions…
Click to readI’m Older – Can I Still Travel The World?
From time-to-time I dog sit for friends of mine. They are “older” – both officially retired. How hard can it be, after all they should be slowing down right? Hmm wrong – sometimes they go on a shorter trip – maybe a cruise. But this year is a couple of months tripping around Europe! Why…
Click to readTraveling the World – How To Travel Around the World
That’s where it starts you know. I just wanted to travel for a year and “get it out of my system”, settle down, get a job, build a career… Well there is some good and bad news – the good news is that taking the year off to travel is not that hard. The bad…
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