Independent Travel:Dingle – Galloway

The weather turned nasty so our attempt at long distance walking ended in failure. Its interesting compared to the UK Ireland is really not set up for walking. The concept of common ways doesn’t exist in Irish law and tracks seem very poorly marked – you really need to have the detailed topo maps – which of course we haven’t got. I think we need to save our walking dreams for England – in the summer, a hot summer.

The sure do know how to make these old stone building waterproof though – the tenth century Gallarow Oratory was still very watertight!

Connor Pass Dingle: Photo Cristina de Fontao via flickr

Change of plans with this rubbish weather and we are off to Galloway. The Connor Pass was – of course -covered in cloud – but was spectacular anyways as the sun broke through as we got over to the other side. We took a vehicle ferry over the Shannon river for about €15.  Got a nice B&B in Salthill in Galloway for €65/2.

We like the town centre of Galloway which had lots of pubs and a nice pedestrian area and waterfront.